One #Modernshabby style

Opposites attract and complement each other.

The #modernshabby style synthesizes very far from each other in appearance characters The Union. The modernity of those who live intensely dwellings, making courageous choices without losing, for, contact with reality. And Shabby style as taste for places and objects that have unary lived, full of history and the past. The #modernshabby people are recognized by the smile, take life philosophically because they know that all the problems, large and small, s resolve with determination but also with the right serenity. In a #modernshabby family also live together different cultural tastes. It passes easily from a movie Tot, youthful passion of pap, a Hollywood movie for her, allultimo danimazione films for smaller children diversity enriches! A choice very #modershabby fact, live in a renovated farmhouse as an ideal place to grow well 4 children!